Test Environment Setup

How to make your automation framework accessible through out all Test Environments in other sense how to make your automation objects ( scripts \ business objects ) reusable with other platforms with Automation Tools such as QTP \ Silk Test.

You have different test platforms such as
qa:6080 like build in qa 6080 port.
qa:7080 like build in integration qa 7080 port.
qa:8080 like build in staging qa 8080 port.
Live environment (like any production site)

We need to have centralized automation script that can get access to all above platforms.

Approach for problem solution
• We need to create
1.Function that can read current global environment configuration which may be in .xml.
2.Start-up Script that can add / update / set current environment from .xml or any other format – you can make GUI tool or use VBScript + Excel to maintain easily.

•We need to normalize all automation objects which are pointing to specific platform like filtering out all redundancy from automation objects – you can here use regular expression and concate current environment by calling function.

Execute your start-up script to set up current environment we want to go on.
Associate function to the script and call it as mention above.


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