QA Project Checklist

Here is I want to share qa project management checklist I used in real scenarious.

Project Initiation
Prepare System Test Estimates
Define System Test Approach
Define Testing Scope
Prepare DRAFT System Test Plan
Review System Test Plan
Prepare Test Schedule
Request Test Resources
Request Business Expert
Request Management Support
Request Environment / Technical Support
Request Facilities (Desk, Chair etc.)
Setup Test Project Folder
Revise Test Estimates
Define Entrance / Acceptance Criteria
Agree Communication Channels
Agree Reporting Procedures, Methods and Frequency
Define Exit Criteria
Design Release Notes Template

Test Preparation
Agree Builds / Drops Schedule and Contents
Agree Release Notes Contents and Format
Agree Error Management Procedures
Define System Test Roles and Responsibilities
Assign Test Roles and Responsibilities
Assign Test Case Preparation Primary Responsibilities
Assign Test Case Preparation Secondary Responsibilities
Prepare High Level Test Cases
Prepare Low Level Test Cases
Define Test Environment Setup (Network / Server)
Define Test PC Setups and Configurations - clients
Review Test Plan
Review Test Schedule
Setup Test Execution Progress Tracking Database

Build System Test Environment
Setup Test Environment (Server)
Setup Test PC's
Setup Bug Database
Verify Test Environment (Shakedown)
Verify Bug Database External Access
Setup Test Data
Setup and Install Test Peripherals (card readers, receipt printers)

Prepare System Test
Review System Test Cases
Revisit System Test Cases
System Test Readiness Review
Verify Entrance Criteria reached
Receive B36 Build 1
Install B36 Build 1
Execute Acceptance Tests
Review Acceptance Test Results ( accept - yes / no )

Execute System Test
Execute System Test
Execute Cycle 1 - GUI Tests
Execute Cycle 2 - Functional Tests
Execute Cycle 3 - Scenario Tests
Log and Track Defects
Maintain and Administer Error Management System
Progress Measure and Reporting
Measure Progress - Actual vs Planned
Manage and Track new Builds
Perform Build Regression Tests
Close Regress Bugs / Re-open "Not Fixed" bugs
Measure Error Statistics and Metrics
Report Error Statistics and Metrics
Track and Record Error Turnaround Time
Escalate Issues as appropriate
Perform Final Regress Test

Signoff System Test
Produce Post-Testing Report
Wash up & Lessons Learnt Meeting
Review Exit Report
Cleanup Test Environment
Return Peripherals
Post Execution Test Case Review
Handover Test Documentation

Let me know if anybody needs more details.


  1. This group of checklist is great! Thanks for publishing this very important information.

    I'm glad I found your blog. Great work!


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