QuickTest Pro and Traceability Matrix

I like to share one automation experience or in other sense the challenge I had in automation.

I joined one company as an Automation Quality Analyst Consultant. It is fast growing Company. I was as a tool smith like person recommending tools for QA team to make manual testing tasks more easier\reliable and fast way. We had established freeware tools for testcase management, defect repository and qa\project process and developed
test-suites for regression and smoke testing in QTP.

As we all know regression test-suite is bulky one and at that time, mine was including more then 617 testcases automated and that’s why taking more than 3 hours to finish execution. I have split test scripts on functionality vise and created test batch but the problem is test batch report does not give status for each testcases in automation execution and that encourage me to develop “TM live” tool interfaced with QTP 9.1.

“TM live” means Traceability Matrix on live (parallel with automation suite execution)

Live Graphical Report - Demo


  1. Very nice blog :)
    Specially I liked the presentations.
    Keep it up guru:)

    I will add a link on my blog to yr blog.

  2. Hi Nimesh,
    A very good approach, but it lacks the reason for test cases failed and not run. can we this add on to the existing way of automating the RTM.This will really benefit the testing members


  3. Thanks for your comment Hemachandra, Since the scope of this article was limited so I did not give more detail on fail or not run testcase(s). But yes, We can map result with each testcase and which opens opportunity to testing members and get benefitted.

    If you want more deatils on xml and xsl -- Please, feel free to contact me.

    enjoy automation in qa ~NV


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