Monday, March 5, 2018

Testing Shifts with agile automation #RPA #ML

Someone has well said .. 

“To delight customers, one should continuously innovate, implement, test it, fix it, test it, release it and do all again and again.”

To do so more efficiently, I would like to add Software AG Agile Tester (SAT).  It  offers various testing solutions to accelerate agile feedback loops.

Currently Agile Tester (SAT) is being used in more than 52,000+ Tests by more than 21+ Product Teams.

It is under Beta release for Clients. It has two major components

1.     SAT Server - Central Repository for Test Scenarios and Test artifacts.

2.     Tools

1.     SAT Client

2.     Recorder and Playback

[Snapshot : #1]

Developer or QA can use “Agile Tester” (SAT) to move testing process earlier in the development cycles so that We can prevent errors rather
than detecting them later;  Here We shift testing activities closer to the build process and proactively test applications to uncover defects and
so Product Teams (enterprise) can accommodate releases faster.  

To transit smoothly to Shift Left Testing, It is good practice to create Test Cases that broadly cover the functional processes as well as
operational patterns. This is to avoid conflicts at the time of deploying applications from the construction phase and so that It helps in reducing
the number of Test Cases to be created in the future and also speeds up the SDLC.

[Snapshot : #2] 

“Agile Tester” SAT with Shift Left Testing
As given overview in Snapshot #2, QA Team(s) would plug themselves earlier in this game.  Agile Tester (SAT) Tools can pitch into earlier stage of
agile development cycles and helps to create highly re-usable Test artifacts (i.e. TestData, TestCases, TestSuites or TestProject).  
SAT by default uses english like language CNL (Constrain Natural Language) for Behavior Driven (Tests) Development (BDD).  
It has specific emphasis on creating real end-user scenarios around customer experience. This becomes important when the business
problem to solve is extremely complex while doing testing.

As part of DevOps practices, I would say not only testing but automated testing is very essential.  
We always encourage that simple regression checking could be automated. If We shift testing activities right in the life cycle and in production,
We can analyze the uncertain, undefined or unexpected scenarios by relying on real traffic and unpredictable test inputs.

[Snapshot : #3]

Here, Implementation and release cycles, testing and production come closer together for “Shift Right Testing” in DevOps

Agile Tester (SAT) with Shift Right Testing for DevOps
As being part of Test Engineering Team,  I would say Tests should not only develop earlier but We should automate them with good percentage coverage as well. 
These automated tests should be placed right for feedback loops so that QAs (Testers) can continuously provide feedback to Developers during and after the development stage.  
It also becomes easy to report defects and achieve desired quality since with continuous monitoring and feedback, the chances of errors tend to reduce overtime.  
As overview in Snapshot #3,  We can see How Agile Tester (SAT) can automate and execute (payback) Tests with Tools and Jenkins for precious continuous feedback loops 
and thus It is helping to transform quality engineering efforts more effectively.


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  2. The information which you have provided is very good. It is very useful who is looking for game testing services

  3. You have very good experience in automation and ml technology.
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    Thanks, John


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