Headless Automation Testing

Headless Testing means testing without GUI.

There are couple of testing such as Unit testing, Component Testing, Module Testing, Integration Testing, CC (Code Coverage of Condition) Testing \ Base Path Testing, Mutation Testing, DB Testing, API Testing and or Web Service Testing may fall under Headless Testing. As you can see most of testing are white box or gray box testing.

In XP\XT (Extreme Programming\Extreme Testing) of agile, It is the first step in implementing story.

Open Source tools such as Watir, Warin, Junit, Nunit, HTTPUnit, HTMLUnit, WebTest Canoo, Fitness, Selenium RC and scripts like shell, vbscript, groovy, SoapUI (and some good paid tools Autoczar, QTP, SilkTest, TestComplete) are helping to automate this type of testing and play effective and efficient role in the QA feedback of product lifecyle.

It actually tells us where is the issue. So, always say "Yes" to Headless Testing in your project.


  1. this looks interesting... I guess this is what I was looking at. can you throw some light on this one? currently we are using QTP with a keyword driven framework for the entire regression and also sanity.
    Thanks in advance

  2. Hi chowdary,

    To do headless testing with QTP, You can create wrapper that can give you keywords for your automation framework and it internally uses HTMLUnit\JUnit\NUnit to execute unit\api testcases.

    Have few good examples as




    FYI, to write wrapper, I prefer to implement COM(VB\VC++ language) which runs as an external process.

    With Regards, NV.


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