
How to automate test-scenarios which have Java Objects built on JMesa , JQuery, JSON and AJAX technology.

I had a challenging project to automate Java Objects on the fly – sharing some part of it. Challenges I faced 1. Objects which are built on top of JMesa , JQuery, JSON and AJAX technology -- are not recognized by professional automation tools (such as QTP and SilkTest). 2. How to automate Dynamic Graphs which are implemented with technologies like Flotr and 3D Canvas. 3. Web application needs to automate with cross-browsers ( IE 6.0+ , FF 2.0+ or Safari 2.0+ ) It focus objects screen rendering issues which are different from one browser to other. How can we overcame • Challenge #1 and #2 can be resolved with below automation approach. Verify HTTP Responses when user does some actions like objects fire specific AJAX calls; We simulate these AJAX calls ( HTTP requests ), capture valid\expected response, set them as baseline and in QA loop we simulate user actions again with automation, capture actual response and compare with baseline. • Challenge #3 can be resolved with below automatio

How to claim web product certified by QA

Below V&V activities' document with their approved status need to produce by QA. Thanks, Nimesh Vadgama.

QA Project Checklist

Here is I want to share qa project management checklist I used in real scenarious. Project Initiation Prepare System Test Estimates Define System Test Approach Define Testing Scope Prepare DRAFT System Test Plan Review System Test Plan Prepare Test Schedule Request Test Resources Request Business Expert Request Management Support Request Environment / Technical Support Request Facilities (Desk, Chair etc.) Setup Test Project Folder Revise Test Estimates Define Entrance / Acceptance Criteria Agree Communication Channels Agree Reporting Procedures, Methods and Frequency Define Exit Criteria Design Release Notes Template Test Preparation Agree Builds / Drops Schedule and Contents Agree Release Notes Contents and Format Agree Error Management Procedures Define System Test Roles and Responsibilities Assign Test Roles and Responsibilities Assign Test Case Preparation Primary Responsibilities Assign Test Case Preparation Secondary Responsibilities Prepare High Level Test Cases Prepare Low Lev

How developers fix their bug -- funny forwarded email.

Forwarding one funny email from yahoo group ~ enjoy testing - Nimesh ########################################################## #include <stdio.h> #define LAST 10 int main() { int i, sum = 0; for ( i = 1; i < = LAST; i++ ) { sum += i; } /*-for-*/ printf("sum = %d\n", sum); return 0; } ########################################################## And the developer fixes it this way ########################################################## #include stdio.h; #define LAST 10 int main() { int i, sum = 0; /* */ for ( i = 1; i < = LAST; i++ ) { sum += i; } /*-for-*/ printf("sum = %d\n", sum); return 0; } ##########################################################

Communication and right attitude continuously adding precious drops in the sea of success.

Someone has well said "Communication matters" -- I would like to go further ahead. Yesterday, I went to PathMark to get some stuff. There were some schemes going on Tide (laundry detergent) with light bulbs on discount. One Customer came to customer service and started demanding he needs two bulbs free with Tide but the fact was that there was some discount if you purchase Tide with that light bulbs. The customer support guy explained the person that he could not give free two light bulbs as that was not scheme currently. Still the guy asking for free – he did not listen to customer support person and continuously telling him "I want free light bulbs". Customer Support Person explained him three or four times with his best knowledge that he could not give him but still that guy demanding. At last customer support person call to his Manager for help; Manager came and explained to the person that you got your discount and that is the scheme running currently but perso