
VerifayaStudio can transform your 90% manual test-scenarios into automated test-scenarios.

The Verifaya platform is the the fastest and easiest way for companies to test mobile & web enterprise apps across wide set of devices and environments. You can see the results in hours not days.  Verifaya helps to extend, modernize & integrate with your existing systems, test apps anywhere on any devices in your organization, manage them centrally and test them instantly with one click.  Verifaya was founded in 2005 and since our inception, we have delivered automated software testing solutions to companies of all sizes – from startups to Fortune 500 companies. To get more info or any help, drop your comment or email me.



Bots and What Not !!

These are very highly scalable Bots empowered by PaaS solution with MLOps and DevOps pipelines. To setup and make these simple deployments in your premises, We have RPA, MLOps & DevOps Tools, Frameworks and Techniques to apply for corporates. Please, feel free to contact me for further progress in your project or any consultancy.

Headless Automation Testing

Headless Testing means testing without GUI. There are couple of testing such as Unit testing, Component Testing, Module Testing, Integration Testing, CC (Code Coverage of Condition) Testing \ Base Path Testing, Mutation Testing, DB Testing, API Testing and or Web Service Testing may fall under Headless Testing. As you can see most of testing are white box or gray box testing. In XP\XT (Extreme Programming\Extreme Testing) of agile, It is the first step in implementing story. Open Source tools such as Watir, Warin, Junit, Nunit, HTTPUnit, HTMLUnit, WebTest Canoo, Fitness, Selenium RC and scripts like shell, vbscript, groovy, SoapUI (and some good paid tools Autoczar, QTP, SilkTest, TestComplete) are helping to automate this type of testing and play effective and efficient role in the QA feedback of product lifecyle. It actually tells us where is the issue. So, always say "Yes" to Headless Testing in your project.

Groovy and Jemmy

In this demo, we have opportunities 1. To Bind your Java application with groovy console. 2. To Automate manual steps in groovy console. 1. Bind your Java application with groovy console. //BindJavaApplication.groovy import org.netbeans.jemmy.*; import org.netbeans.jemmy.explorer.*; import org.netbeans.jemmy.operators.*; // Fire up the SwingSet2 Application new ClassReference("SwingSet2").startApplication(); // Get a reference to the SwingSet JFrame and put it into the console's script binding. mainFrame = new JFrameOperator("SwingSet") def bind = new Binding() bind.setProperty("testScript",this) bind.setProperty("mainFrame",mainFrame) // Fire up the Groovy console. def console = new groovy.ui.Console(this.class.classLoader,bind) Thread.sleep(700000) 2 . Automate manual steps in console. import org.netbeans.jemmy.*; import org.netbeans.jemmy.explorer.*; import org.netbeans.jemmy.operators.*; // Get first butt