
CSV\XML\RSS Feeds are QAed

In Content centric organizations, feeds are one of the core part that needs to update every time when New Contents are Uploaded. New Categories \ Groups are introduced for Old Contents. As we know first one is very repetitive task -- so need repetitive validation. Second one is less repetitive but much costlier and involve high risk – so need more rigorous validation as well. Both missions have some kind of common problems : Feed Generator Software\Content System retrieve Content Data ( URL(s) \ Content Details ) which may have ASCII Characters and Memory Garbage and old inactive URL(s)– URL(s) where contents are not actually accessible by user. Feed may contain non compatible XML data( like special characters > < & ) which may break XML \ RSS Feeds. Feed may not have broken content URL(s) and Content Details but they may be mapped wrongly. It means Content Details for one Content may not present its own Content URL or in opposite. So for QA, we expect to 1. Validate Br

NUnit basics for new bees

In smaller to bigger project, here are some basics about how to automate Unit testing with NUnit framework on .Net Platform. Where NUnit spot on SDLC? In other words, we can ask when to start unit automation on project? It depends on various parameters say for example Complexity of Method(s) / API(s) or Classes in production cycle - How Method(s) API(s) / Classes are called by other Method(s) / API(s) / Classes in production cycle. We can start NUnit automation after completion of any independent Method / API / its Class created at production and making automation continued towards parallel of development cycle of more dependent Method(s) / API(s) / Classe(s). Say for example we have small class library project in C#. Now lets start NUnit Automation in 7 simple steps : Create New Test C# Project (Here Named TestProject) and add production class (.dll) reference. Add reference NUnit.Frameworkto the TestProject. Add attribute "TestFixture" to mark as Test C

Remember, Those old school's days ?

These old days' automation techquies should be replaced with #ML based automation,  Isn't It ? :) If You have such automations that causing lots of issues then let's talk on how You can come out from your nightmare pains.

Test Environment Setup

Objective How to make your automation framework accessible through out all Test Environments in other sense how to make your automation objects ( scripts \ business objects ) reusable with other platforms with Automation Tools such as QTP \ Silk Test. Problem You have different test platforms such as qa:6080 like build in qa 6080 port. qa:7080 like build in integration qa 7080 port. qa:8080 like build in staging qa 8080 port. Live environment (like any production site) We need to have centralized automation script that can get access to all above platforms. Approach for problem solution • We need to create 1.Function that can read current global environment configuration which may be in .xml. 2.Start-up Script that can add / update / set current environment from .xml or any other format – you can make GUI tool or use VBScript + Excel to maintain easily. •We need to normalize all automation objects which are pointing to specific platform like filtering out all redundancy from automat

QA Automation in V Model

QA Automation in V-Model Low level Testing Unit Testing with NUnit (and MS Visual Studio), xUnit and HTMLUnit on Java and C# / ASP.Net plateform. HTTP Request-Response Testing with Selenium, Canoo WebTest, SOAPUI and other free-ware tools. Integration Level Testing. Components Interface Testing. Web-Service Testing with SOAPUI API Testing with WebTest Canoo \ QTP \ SilkTest Function \ Smoke Testing \ Regression Testing High Level Testing. Cross Browser \ Cross Platform Testing. GUI Testing with Tools such as Mercury QTP, Silk Test, WinRunner. Load \ Performance testing with LoadRunner. ~NV