
Testing Shifts with agile automation #RPA #ML

Someone has well said ..  “To delight customers, one should continuously innovate, implement, test it, fix it, test it, release it and do all again and again.” To do so more efficiently, I would like to add Software AG Agile Tester (SAT).  It  offers various testing solutions to accelerate agile feedback loops. Currently Agile Tester (SAT) is being used in more than  52,000+ Tests by more than 21+ Product Teams . It is under Beta release for Clients. It has two major components 1.       SAT Server - Central Repository for Test Scenarios and Test artifacts. 2.       Tools 1.       SAT Client 2.       Recorder and Playback [Snapshot : #1] Developer or QA can use “Agile Tester” (SAT) to move testing process earlier in the development cycles so that We can prevent errors rather than detecting them later;  Here We shift testing activities closer to the build process and proactively test applications to uncover defects and so Product Teams (enterprise) can accommodate releases faster.

Webdriver with Javascript to validate SVG Canvas objects like Charts

JavaScript in Webdriver Sometimes Webdriver does not help to find objects and their properties. We can develop Javascript functions and inject them via Webdriver.   It is good to develop Javascript and inject via Web driver to validate SVG Canvas objects like Charts. Webdriver provide a “JavascriptExecutor “class for executing java script. First you need to create “JavascriptExecutor” class object. JavascriptExecutor js = (JavascriptExecutor) driver; Now call “executeScript()” method by passing java script code as a argument. js .executeScript(“java script code”) Here are some more examples. String readyState = (String)js.executeScript("return document.readyState"); String title = (String)js.executeScript("return document.title"); String domain = (String)js.executeScript("return document.domain"); WebElement el   = (WebElement)js.executeScript("return document.getElementById('rentc');"

VerifayaStudio can transform your 90% manual test-scenarios into automated test-scenarios.

The Verifaya platform is the the fastest and easiest way for companies to test mobile & web enterprise apps across wide set of devices and environments. You can see the results in hours not days.  Verifaya helps to extend, modernize & integrate with your existing systems, test apps anywhere on any devices in your organization, manage them centrally and test them instantly with one click.  Verifaya was founded in 2005 and since our inception, we have delivered automated software testing solutions to companies of all sizes – from startups to Fortune 500 companies. To get more info or any help, drop your comment or email me.



Bots and What Not !!

These are very highly scalable Bots empowered by PaaS solution with MLOps and DevOps pipelines. To setup and make these simple deployments in your premises, We have RPA, MLOps & DevOps Tools, Frameworks and Techniques to apply for corporates. Please, feel free to contact me for further progress in your project or any consultancy.